SCP Launches ShareDiligence 2.0
May 11, 2019- Strategic Compliance Partners (SCP) launches ShareDiligence 2.0 this month. The SCP team has been working around the clock to launch a faster, more efficient ShareDiligence. With easier navigation and even more vendor transparency, ShareDiligence 2.0 offers Lenders a cost-effective and time-savvy solution to managing vendors.
“ShareDiligence 2.0 incorporates feedback from our clients’ actual experiences, adding features and transparency to the system without compromising its efficiency and value as a vendor management solution.” – Ari Karen, CEO, Strategic Compliance Partners
Here are just a few of the featured updates:
- A brand-new client dashboard where Lenders can access their vendors, updates, and more from one, centralized location.
- Easy-to-understand color coding system for vendors to indicate expiring documents, review requests and compliance status so Lenders have a clear and transparent view on the status of their vendors.
- Add as many users as needed to your ShareDiligence account and control their various levels of access/interaction.
- There are now more than 6 different reports to provide Lenders with all of the data they need to stay compliant.
If you are looking for a faster, cost-efficient solution to managing vendors, ShareDiligence provides just that and exclusively for Lenders. Call Leslie Benjamin today or schedule some time for a free demo of ShareDiligence.
For any questions or more information please contact Leslie Benjamin| 301.578.6002 | VP, Business Devleopment